Thursday, January 31, 2008

Everything always happens: NOW

Okay, so I wake up approximately one week ago today. Friday. It's cloudy and damp and I've slept til 7 am instead of getting up at 6 as I had intended . I won't get to the gym to swim and instead have to get into work. My mind is filled with clients I have to contact today, the extremely unhappy client I feel guilty about, my bills, the crazy L.A. drivers who freak out in the rain, the end of the week, the date I'm having that night with a woman I'm attracted to but who brings out the worst in me. I get into my office, boot up my computer and pick up the phone to listen to messages. My computer boots up automatically to KCRW's music player which is set on the pre-recorded programming of the night before.

I hear this song and I stop. Look up from my desk. I've never heard it before, but it's familiar and different, all at once. I put the phone down, close my door, turn up the speakers and as if I've been horse-collared, I sit back, close my eyes and listen...

I open up.

This is what swimming in the ocean is like.

This is what making love is like.

This is what I feel like when I am present.

This is who I am.

It finishes and I can't believe what I've just heard. I run around online to find it and learn about this guy. Hans Otte. "Das Buch der Klange". I burn the cd and can't wait to get into my car and drive through the rain and see if it has teh same effect. It does. I tell a few people about it. ( those who are familiar with my already indulgent, creative artist dramatic "oooh look at that tree" world view of things ). My day is completely different. I sit with a friend and listen together. I weep and smile in his presence. It's a great day. I figure that this is all just timing. My life and realizations and where my head is at, colliding with a piece of music that resonates with me.

Then I read about this guy and find out that hey, I'm not the only one. Other people are crazy too :,,142495,00.html

What's crazy is that this was his intention through the music. And how crazy is it that he has created the sound equivalent of:


Das Buch Der Klange:

Aquarian Music:

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